Following the General Election last week, I am delighted to be writing my first regular column for the Bexhill and Battle Observer. It is an honour and a privilege to serve as your MP.
I want to begin by recognising and thanking the other candidates for being willing to stand. Sadly, politics has become more fractious, and it takes more and more courage to be willing to put your head above the parapet. Democracy only works when people are prepared to stand up for what they believe in and give their time and efforts to public service. I was inspired to enter public service by my Mum and Dad. My Mum was a nurse and my Dad was a policeman. They taught me the values of public service and stepping up when it matters most.
I have been deeply humbled by the support people have given me during the election campaign. However you voted, I promise to work hard and keep you at the front of my mind. During the campaign, I met so many amazing people across the constituency who care about their communities and each other. I heard about what matters to residents – you want your roads fixed, your countryside & waters protected, your NHS improved, your local high streets revitalised and much more. I have already started work. The day after I was elected I asked Southern Water for a meeting on sewage overflows and East Sussex County Council for a meeting about roads. Meetings don’t solve issues but they are the start of getting things done.
It was also great to make my first visit as your MP - I went along to support the launch of the Footbridge Project 2.0. Huge thanks to Lee, Diana and Tim for all their hard work on this. Thanks to the Battle U3A Ukulele Group for the entertainment. I’m also due this week to get hands on helping the Bexhill Heritage group with their latest restoration project. I know everywhere you look you will find people who take it upon themselves to try and do something positive in their area. As well as the tackling challenges, as your MP I also try to get behind all the other people also trying their best to make Bexhill & Battle a better place to live, work and raise a family.