Your priorities in Battle

Voters think too many politicians are all the same, straight from the Westminster bubble without real world experience. I don’t think it gets much more real world than working as a Doctor in A&E or volunteering as a policeman and I have done both. We don’t have enough people in Parliament who understand the challenges on the front lines of our public services. I want to take what I have learnt and use it to make a difference.

I know residents in Battle want to know their MP is going to be fully focused on representing them. As your MP I would work hard to ensure you got your fair share of my time. Talking to residents and businesses locally, I have drawn up this plan for what I would focus on if elected. I would work with your local Councillors from any party to get things done – residents come before party politics.

My Plan for Battle 

  • Support Battle High Street: We are lucky to have a successful high street, but it faces challenges. I would work with the Battle Chamber of Commerce to promote and support businesses and push for us to use new powers to force absent landlords to let out their empty units at reasonable rates.
  • Challenge house building in the wrong places: Battle has too many homes built in the wrong places without the right infrastructure. I would support residents and Councillors in their campaigns against this.

  • Road Repairs: Battle has some of the most damaged roads in need of repair in the whole area – even the important heavily trafficked roads like High Street and North Trade Road. The South East is due to receive £2.8 billion roads resurfacing money so we need to make sure we get our fair share.

  • Battle Recreation Ground: A new sports pavilion would help keep people active locally and the current facility is badly in need of replacement. I will support efforts to secure investment for a new building that is fit for the future.

Our Plan for Battle.

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Rank these priorities in order of most and least important to you. Weight
Support Battle High Street
Challenge house building in the wrong places
Road repairs
Battle recreation ground
